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Kelly Wayment
11/5/2009 09:15:04 am

Hi everyone,
My name is Kelly Wayment, I have been involved with Charter Schools for over five years, both as a parent of students and also on the board of directors of a school in Salt Lake City Utah. This blog is for anyone who would like to share information regarding charter schools, whether you be a parent, teacher, or just a concerned citizen. Remember Charter Schools are publicly funded schools so they affect everyone, not just those attending them. Please post your comments here. Thanks

11/15/2012 12:41:20 am

I just got to this amazing site not long ago. I was actually captured with the piece of resources you have got here. Big thumbs up for making such wonderful blog page!

11/15/2012 05:07:07 am

I just got to this amazing site not long ago. I was actually captured with the piece of resources you have got here. Big thumbs up for making such wonderful blog page!

11/18/2009 01:13:13 pm


Brief history on Gulen and his movement. Gulen, a Turkish
Imam and founder of an international organization with the professed purpose of starting interfaith dialog between Muslims, Christians, Jews, and Hindus. He was indicted for seeking to establish an Islamic state in Turkey, this was in violation of their constitution. He now resides in Pennsylvania and lives in a walled
compound with 50+ followers who act as his body guards. He is known as Hoecfendi by his followers, this means Lord Master. He professes to be a moderate Suffi Muslim, but there is
evidence that he along with many of his followers are Sunni. In 2002 Homeland Security tried (unsuccessfully) to have him deported based on the fact that he didn't meet the criteria to stay in the U.S. and be granted a green card. There were two ex CIA agents who testified on his behalf. After a lengthy court battle which he won,he now has a green card. There is evidence that he is
being propped up by the CIA and that they are even funding him.

Fethullah Gülen is one of the world's most influential Islamic scholars, and has come out on top of a list of "The World's Top 20 Public Intellectuals" organized by the magazine "Foreign Policy and Prospect". All of this for a man who has almost no formal education. He is credited with starting a movement which spans the globe, and who's followers number in the millions. He is seen as a moderate alternative to the radicalism which is found in many of the world's Islamic groups. Yet there are those who see another side, one which seeks to establish Sharia law, and reincarnate the Ottoman Empire, and even among other Muslims he is not always viewed positively. "Jane's" a journal that specializes in providing intelligence to governments has investigated him and found him to be somewhat other than what he professes to be, in fact they report that he and his schools are a security risk.

The F.G.C. (Fethullah Gulen Community) has according to 500 schools world wide in approximately 115 countries. In the United States there are between 90-100 schools with the most being found in Texas. The vast majority in the U.S. Are public charter schools, so they are being funded by tax dollars. Many are affiliated with local Colleges and Universities. They tend to provide a better education than the local public schools and offer services which are not available elsewhere. These include Turkish language instruction and cultural experiences through clubs. They also offer subsidized trips to Turkey and opportunities to go to Turkey and be an exchange student.

Michael Rubin of the American Enterprise Institute argues that so-called “Gulen members dominate the Turkish police and divisions within the interior ministry. Under the stewardship of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, one of Gulen’s most prominent sympathizers, tens of thousands of other Gulen supporters have entered the Turkish bureaucracy.” This is another area that the F.G.C. has had extremely good success in, that of having followers become influential members of government. By doing so some assert that he has been able to turn the governments orientation from
western to eastern. Whereas Turkey was an ardent supporter of the United States and our allies they are increasingly more sympathetic towards countries such as Iran and Syria. He has many followers and sympathizers in and out of Turkey.

Interfaith Dialog groups world wide preach moderation and peace between the different faiths. Gulen has met with many influential religious leaders throughout the world. They do this
through having various community functions, these include Ramadan dinners, Noah's pudding gatherings, and other Turkish Cultural events. One big thing that they do is to sponsor trips to Turkey, these will usually include other countries as well such as Germany, Holland and France. All of these are run by volunteers, who are followers of Gulen. With regard to the trips, families will help by either
feeding the participants, providing them with a place to stay, or subsidizing the trip its self. This makes it possible to offer trips at unbelievably low prices, some times at ½ the going rate. By doing this, it
also gives them an opportunity to promote their culture, religion and agenda. Gulen also runs newspapers, television stations, and some banks. The newspapers are both in English language and Turkish as are the T.V. Stations.

In conclusion the Fethullah Gulen Community is a global organization. It is very fluid and there are not any concrete ties between the different groups, however they are tied together through a common goal and commitment. In researching this group, even when the various organizations said
that they were not associated, I found that individuals from one school or community organization would be “face book “ friends with others

12/2/2009 01:59:48 pm

When I first became a charter school parent, I was looking only at school quality and hadn't thought at all about the generally accepted philosophy of how charter schools are supposed to be held accountable. I learned later that the primary accountability is supposed to come from parents, not the charter school boards, which only provide minimal oversight. The idea seems to be that school choice should be like shopping; when you are no longer pleased with the product, you stop "buying". This sounds very appealing to some people. I'd like to raise a couple of points for discussion, though. There is a large difference between ordinary consumer shopping, and making choices regarding our children's lives and education. Changing schools is hard on a child. They lose their network of friends, and they have to adjust to a new system. Study after study has shown that continuity and consistency help children, and that being part of a community is vitally important for them. Putting parents in a position where their only leverage over a school is to remove their child seems like a mechanism to encourage constant disruption in children's lives.
Also, considering how the average parent may already be working very hard, to put an additional burden on them of school oversight seems unreasonable. It seems naive to think that if something is wrong about a school that parents will notice it immediately or have access to enough information to evaluate it properly. This is true even for the most involved, concerned parents. Also, even if hordes of enraged parents quit a school after some outrageous incident, it seems that after a year or so, a new crop of parents comes along, completely oblivious to what turned off all their predecessors (yes, this really happens). Think of a tourist business - year after year, customers can be cheated, and there will always be more coming along. As for the idea that parents will disseminate information to each other, again it sounds great in theory, but in practice it looks as though online school rating forums are dominated by disgruntled people with an agenda, or school employees masquerading as parents and writing propaganda. Solid, useful information on a school is extremely hard to find.
To sum up, I feel that the model of charter school oversight coming primarily from parents rather than a charter board is flawed and must be reconsidered.

1/12/2010 05:29:00 am

Thanks for all of this information, it has been really helpful. I have tried to read some articles I have found written in Turkish, but the google translation isn't clear enough to make any sense. I just know that there are a lot of them out there. Do you have any ideas on how I can tell what they are saying to the Turkish people? Also what do you know about Jane's Analysis? I read a report from them on Gulen. What is this? Thanks again I hope to see more.

2/25/2010 09:16:05 am

Please see the following article about the reach of the group behind these charter schools.

2/27/2010 04:59:41 am

The following article was sent to me, and is a translation from German. I thought is was quite interesting.

The following article appeared in a major German newspaper, Der Tagesspiegel, on May 28, 2009:;art122,2808616

Modern Muslims
With Math on the Way to Allah

by Claudia Keller and Thomas Seibert

May 28, 2009

For 30 years the Turkish preacher Fethullah Gülen has taught that Muslims should accept modernity, educate themselves, and at the same time remain pious. In the meantime the Gülen movement is behind 150 tutoring institutes and 12 schools in Germany.

Potsdam - Potsdam - It is not often that so many men and women with Turkish names are present in the lecture hall of the University of Potsdam. But that will change, if things go the way of Turkish preacher Fethullah Gülen.

The 68-year-old has taught for 30 years that Muslims should accept modern ways, educate themselves, and at the same time remain pious. His followers operate thousands of tutoring institutes, schools and universities worldwide. In Germany as well, Fethullah Gülen is finding more and more followers. Parents of Turkish origin send their children to what is by now 150 tutoring institutes and 12 schools run by the Gülen movement. Meanwhile, the tutoring facilities can be found in nearly every major city. In the Spandau borough of Berlin, schools run by the supporting organization TÜDESB belong to the network. Up to now, these religiously-inspired educational institutions have sought to hide from the public the fact that they belong to the Gülen network.

On Tuesday and Wednesday the Berlin FID, a Gülen-associated society for the development of intercultural dialog, and the Institute for Religious Studies of the University of Potsdam are hosting an international conference on “Muslims between tradition and modernity: The Gulen Movement as a bridge between cultures.” They enlisted the cooperation of the German Orient Foundation, Abraham Geiger College and the Evangelical Academy as partners.

The program stated that the Gülen movement was to be subjected to a "scientific study". Unfortunately, however, the meeting turned into a purely celebratory event. Much could be heard about Gülen's commitment to "world peace" and the "Dialogue of Civilizations," about the importance of his philosophy for the integration of the local Muslims, and about how vital it is for contemporary western society which, although technically adept, suffers from moral neglect. Scarcely any critical voices were present on the podium; the only critical questions from the audience came from journalists. "Of course I'm not a critic of the Gülen movement, otherwise I would not be here today," said Dutch theologian Pim Valkenberg, who compared Fethullah Gülen to the humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam. Moreover, it was not revealed, which speakers themselves belonged to the Gülen movement.

Thus many questions remained unresolved. It is not only in Turkey that Fethullah Gülen is regarded with a mixture of fascination and suspicion. Gülen, who comes from East Anatolia, made his name as an imam in the 1960s through his preaching. In the mid-1990s many Turkish politicians and intellectuals praised him as a modernizer of Islam, because he advocated a union of religion and science. Nature, in Gülen’s view, is the Book of Allah, which as a scientist one must learn to read. Science and modern technology are for him not the enemies of Islam, but rather sources of religious revelation. Gülen has met with leaders of other religions, including Pope John Paul II.

The army and judiciary in Turkey have always regarded Gülen with suspicion, and felt their suspicions confirmed in the late 1990s, when a recording of a speech surfaced in which Gülen called on his followers to engage in a sort of “march” on institutions, with the goal of seizing the power of the state. Patiently, and without open conflict with the secular establishment, pious Muslims should work to gain important positions, said Gülen accordingly. Prosecutors viewed this speech as a call to revolution. Gülen maintained that he did not want a Muslim theocracy, but that instead, parts of his speech had been deliberately cut up so as to foment this impression. Gülen fled to the United States, from where he continues to lead his movement. It includes not only schools but also trade associations and the Turkish World Media Group, with the religiously conservative quality newspaper "Zaman" among others. Last year, the verdict against him was lifted in Turkey.

The Gülen movement seeks to generate, through their own educational institutions, a Muslim elite which will find its way in the globalized world

3/4/2010 02:48:40 am

From the recent news out of Turkey, it appears that Gulen's goal of quietly "seizing the power of the state" has been partially achieved. Turks who are not Fethullaci appear to fear speaking out against this man and this movement. Why are they afraid?

To my knowledge Gulen's name is not mentioned in the charter schools in our area, but after doing a good deal of research into the founders, teachers and administrators a link to Gulen is clear. So why is it not made known to parents? Are they hiding something? Why are these Turkish men (primarily) opening so many charter schools in the U.S.? Are Turkish educational prinicpals so much better than that of other nationalities? I have nothing against the Turks, but if there is an agenda, I want it to be in the open.

3/4/2010 09:26:06 am

Nell, the agenda is to eventually have the US - and the rest of the world - ruled under Sharia Law. While it seems far fethed, the man has been at it for 40 years and has schools and universities all over the world where his teachers preach to their children, often without their parents knowing it.) Gulen's website says there are more than 800, other papers say more than a thousand. And they are opening new ones all the time. If it was sponsored by a Turkish company, or a Turkish professor, it's probably run by Gulen followers.

If you think of it as a cult, then you understand why they don't tell outsiders that they are members. If they admitted up front that they were, what do you think their chances would be of getting the local school board to grant them a charter in the first place? Like someone said earlier, they have to tell half truths to conceal what they are really up to.

You can find published papers on the Internet by his followers (they like to toot his horn) that indoctrination starts in pre-school classes and continues through elementary and high school and even through graduation from college. The students are encouraged to attend weekend classes, and even summer camps, where teachers continue to teach them Gulen's views. (After forty years, some of these teachers probably had parents who were followers.)

Charter schools are exempt from a lot of the red tape that regular public schools have, especially when it comes to hiring and firing. But they still get state and federal tax dollars to operate the school. If you want to steal money from the school's budget to use for the Movement's benefit, you need to be able to decide how to spend the money. While they hire US teachers, the important positions of principal, vice principals, the board memberships and the like - where folks decide how to spend the school's money - are all held by Turks, or the Turks are permanent members of the boards. (Someone said they have good schools, but the Texas State Board of Education questioned the Harmony Science Academy's they run there about "excessive erasures" on the standardized test forms they turned in one year.)

And don't sell them short. They spend a lot of money cultivating local politicans and law enforcement people. Gulen's non-profits (there's usually one that is the sponsor of the school)hold annual dinners where they hand out awards to FBI agents, state Senators and Congressmen. Hell, they even had former Secretary of State Madeline Albright as the guest speaker at the opening of a mosque they built in Texas. (She was also Secretary of State when Gulen was allowed to come to the US, but let's not go there.) Adn those are all run by Turks as well.

But what they can't stand is people asking questions. It usually winds up woith the school officlas making vague threats about what might happen to people who ask questions.

As for his court case in Turkey, the charges against him were dropped after the political party he funded, the ruling AKP, changed the law to make what he was accused of no longer a crime. When the Chief Prosecuter tried to press his case, saying he was going to charge GUlen with amended charges, he was basically fired.

3/10/2010 12:12:10 am

Like Allthefacts, we are website publishers that are dedicated to exposing the ongoing corruption, immigration law violations, and a multitude of other crimes being perpetrated by Turkish nationals running American charter schools.

Despite their attempt at transparency, these guys are absolutely connected to Gulen and are his followers -- doing everything that he "requires" them to do to steal from our government under the guise of "quality and alternative education."

Our government has allowed this to happen for over 10 years and this insidious force continues to grow, exceeding 120 schools to date, with no end in sight.

It is our responsibility as citizen and parents to actively work at exposing these guys and the crimes that they continue to commit.

Like the old saying goes, "It's always the quiet ones you need to worry about." Well, Gulen has an entire army of silent puppets willing to conspire and act accordingly -- and none of their actions are what they "appear" to be.

Visit our website for more evidence:

3/10/2010 11:20:46 pm

I have gone to the site. There is a wealth of information there, much of which cannot be readily found elsewhere. The Gulen movement is real and it is insidious. I would encourage you to educate yourself on what is going on, without knowledge you can't make an informed decision.

5/1/2010 06:26:04 am

Here are some other articles about gulen run charter schools in utah and tucson:

5/1/2010 03:55:18 pm

A few days ago an article was written in the Salt Lake Tribune about a charter school here in Utah, Beehive Academy. The article states that the State Charter Board has revoked its charter based on its financial state. It has been alleged that this school is connected to the Fethullah Gulen Organization, and there has been a lot of scrutiny given to it over the last year and a half. While no one has been able to show a "smoking gun" per se, the smoke has certainly been there! Maybe the end is in site?

6/10/2010 06:55:28 pm


One of Gulen's schools in Arizona was in the news 2008 because one of the teachers confiscated a rosary with a cross from a student. Dear Mr. Gulen, perhaps we should confiscate your quran or audit your teaching curriculum that includes: Turkish language, dance, song and your campuses even have a Turkish American Club.
Above is the school's web site, note on the left side the link for Turkish Language, and "Europe" trip.

Below is the 2008, News about the 13 year old girl getting her rosary confiscated by a teacher. This is sad, very sad. Dear Mr. Gulen, how would you like us to confiscate your Quran?

6/11/2010 03:00:32 am

Have any of you pulled up the documentary or statements from Sibel Edmonds?
Sibel is the Ex-FBI Turkish Translator who was fired for being a whistleblower about Turkish officials (she mentions Gulen) bribing American officals, corporations, etc., CIA operatives that have protected Gulen and allowed him his Visa. There is also a great documentary about Sibel called "Kill the Messenger" it speaks about Turkey selling nuclear parts to Pakistan via an American-Turkish company called Giza Technologies. No conspiracy theories just the truth from Sibel. Google Sibel Gulen and "Kill the Messenger" and you will find out just how serious this Turkish inflitration is.

Ex Parent of SSA
6/13/2010 03:14:19 pm

This news report is about the media, education and political affliations of Gulen. It is excellent, it is about the struggle in Turkey of Islam vs. secular vs. Hezbollah.

Ex parent SSA
6/13/2010 03:20:04 pm


ex parent ssa
6/13/2010 03:22:33 pm

NEW SPIN Gulenites are referring to the schools as "Gulen Inspired"
new web site, they are in damage control mode.

MD Parent
6/14/2010 02:04:03 pm

It's about time!!!
We had a Gulen school here in Maryland that was closed down. It was so bad the director of the school (a Turkish man who was sexists) was escorted out of the school by the police.

Texas Mom
6/14/2010 06:58:43 pm

Smackdown Texas Style, take that you Turkish Boys! The next time I ask a question about my child's education please answer me and look me in the eye. Don't treat me like an infidel woman!

6/15/2010 08:11:59 am

Gulen's school in Maryland closed. It was so bad when Chesapeake closed. The director (a sexist Turkish man) was excorted out the door by the police.

interesting that this director (charged with sexual harassment and removed from the Maryland charter school) is now VP of Business Development and Human Resources at EBRU TV "The Family Channel",+the+24-Hour+Multi-Cultural+Family+Channel,+Joins+RCN+in...-a0204807019

Tue, 15 Jun 2010 10:57:17

7/8/2010 08:20:10 am

This school is operated by the Grace Institute for Educational Research and Resources, Inc. (EIN 262674420) which also operates five charter schools in Florida. These schools are members of the network of U.S. charter schools (over 100) run by followers of the Gulen Movement. Gulen is a Turkish religious leader (Islam).

One of the characteristics of these schools is that the founders and school site administrators are 99% Turkish or Turkic individuals. The Grace Institute board members listed on the 2008 Form 990 are Selim Ozdemir, Ali Ozer, Namik Sercan, Kenar Sener, and Yucel Aktas, with books in the care of Ilbey Budak. This quality is typical of all schools in the network.

Another feature of these schools is the encouragement of student participation in Turkish cultural activities such as Turkish clubs, travel to Turkey (referred to as a Europe or International trip), and class trips to Turkish festivals, as well as elaborately costumed student participation in regional Turkish Olympiads (search YouTube).

So naturally, here’s the entire 6th grade class of the Fulton Science Academy taking its 6th grade class to the event.

Related Gulenist non-profits in your area are the Global Spectrum Foundation, Cosmos Foundation of Georgia, Turkish American Chamber of Commerce Southeast, and the Istanbul Center for Culture and Dialog. The Istanbul Center is hosts the Atlanta Turkish Festival where students from these charter schools participate. Naturally, the known Gulenist media outlets, Ebru TV and Zaman cover the event. To learn more, google “Istanbul Center” + gulen.

Here is a list of the schools:
These schools are part of an international movement. Read about that here:

Isn’t this information something parents should know?


July 7th, 2010
9:21 pm

This school and its affiliates are members of the network of U.S. charter schools (over 100) run by followers of the Gulen Movement. Gulen is a Turkish religious leader (Islam). The Georgia schools are operated by the Grace Institute for Educational Research and Resources, Inc. which also operates five charter schools in Florida.

One of the characteristics of these schools is that the founders and school site administrators are 99% Turkish or Turkic individuals. Another feature (which is never mentioned on their charter school petitions) is the encouragement of student participation in Turkish cultural activities such as Turkish clubs, travel to Turkey (frequently referred to as a “Europe” or “international” trip), and class trips to Turkish festivals, as well as elaborately costumed student participation in regional Turkish Olympiads.

The Istanbul Center hosts the Atlanta Turkish Festival where students from these charter schools participate. You can see American students celebrating the glory of Turkey by doing a YouTube search for “southeast turkish olympiads.” Naturally, the known Gulenist media outlets, Ebru TV and Zaman cover the event. Google “Istanbul Center” + gulen.

For a list of the U.S. charter schools, google “gulen school network update.”

To read about Gulen’s international movement of schools as a way to influence future generations, google “gulen schools here and abroad.”

These are things your community should know.

Report this comment
look closer

July 7th, 2010


July 8th, 2010
2:26 pm

The “scientist shortage lie” is another thing parents need to know about. Here are two excerpts from “Scientist shortage? Maybe not” (USA Today, July 2009):

“Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates told Congress last year U.S. companies ‘face a severe shortfall of scientists and engineers with expertise to develop the next generation of breakthroughs. … If we don’t reverse these trends, our competitive advantage will erode.’”


“…Education Secretary Arne Duncan says a surplus of STEM graduates is a problem he’d like to have.”

And from “The Real Science Gap,” Miller-McCune, June 14, 2010 (you really need to read this one

“’There is no scientist shortage,’ declares Harvard economics professor Richard Freeman, a p

8/30/2010 10:53:42 am

We have unearthed some new information on the Tukish boys misappropriating grant funding from the Walton Family Foundation. The guys freely admit in emails to each other that they have been "bad boys," and have not spent the money where is was supposed to be spent and now have to cover up their dastardly deeds before its time to report to the Grant Administrator at the Walton foundation.

At least we know one thing -- they are consistently lying and stealing -- and are always dumb enough to write about it!

The emails can be found at, under "What Would Sam Walton Say?

Texas Two Step
10/29/2010 07:21:44 pm

evidently a parody on the great gulen.

Lisa Moore
11/21/2010 12:21:46 pm

11/24/2010 11:55:34 am

We must soar freely, arrive at our dream.

12/1/2010 09:18:57 am

Esta historia es muy útil. Realmente me gusta. Gracias por compartir con nosotros.*

12/3/2010 08:45:34 am

Su gran obra maestra, permítame que me llenan de mi alma, esperando con interés oír más de usted! *

12/8/2010 09:57:24 am

This article is really great, strong support

12/16/2010 02:55:36 pm


12/24/2010 03:00:47 pm

Thank you, nice article, I love it.

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